
February 14th Valentine Day

It 's Valentine.
Sweet smell of chocolate filled the classroom of Afterschool.

Lucky boy with the most chocolates.


Driving Out The Demons and Letting Luck in

It's the throwing of beans at the shrine.We set out in anticipation as to what we can receive from the Gods this year.
At the shrine
Waiting eagerly for the event to start.
At 4pm sharp,the men started throwing
Look at the crowd.There were people everywhere.
Good catch!
From the smiles on their faces, you can tell that the kids got what they wanted.
Back at Afterschool,we shared among ourselves the fruits of our hardwork.
On January 28th,we spent a lovely day at the park.
We returned to Afterschool for some snacks.
Tune in again please.
Bye for now>>